Pathways to Home

was formed in 1989 as Services to Area Youth with our original mission focused on issues facing teen parents who had dropped out of school. Since then, we also added prenatal and child development services, referrals to community resources and periodic special interest programs.

Over the years, we’ve added many services in order to best assist our community including the Every Child Succeeds program through Cincinnati Children’s Hospital geared to first-time parents; the Ohio Benefit Bank, that connects needy families and individuals with state and federal assistance; summer programs for youths; groups for parents and other caregivers on infant and child development issues; and our Give & Take community pantry which addressed emergency food need.

As we continue to identify and address community needs, our focus and mission remains helping families in Harrison and the surrounding communities. We offer a network of services that changes lives, helps people overcome their challenges and strengthens our community.

Pathways to Home is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.  Contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS.  Every dollar donated will be spent on continuing our current programs, as well as, expansion into other endeavors that will benefit the community at large.